{{ 'About' | translate }} Australian Fine Arms
Australian Fine Arms is Australia’s newest arms auction business. We intend to cater for a wide range of collectors and users of all types of arms and related accessories. We hope that our business will expand the opportunities for collectors and users not only to acquire new items but also to expand their interests and contacts.
Our Staff

David has been a keen shooter for nearly 50 years. His main passion is hunting rifles and sporting shotguns, with a particular interest in English side by side shotguns. He has owned and used a range of rifles himself ‘anything from .22 rifles for rabbits up to a .375 H&H for larger game in Africa. Likewise, with shotguns he owns and uses a range of shotguns from 12 to 28 gauge on a variety of game (quail, ducks, partridge and pheasants) as well as for clay target shooting.
He is a member of Field and Game Australia, Vintagers and a committee member with the Antique & Historical Arms Collectors Guild of Victoria. As well as hunting over most of Australia, David has also hunted in Africa, New Zealand, England, Papua New Guinea and Turkey.
With a background in training, education and recruitment David has extensive experience dealing with people from a wide range of backgrounds. He enjoys meeting with people and being able to assist them with their needs.
Rhys is also a keen user of firearms whether it be for game or targets. He has a passion for older firearms and enjoys restoring them or making up loads for more obscure calibres and gauges such as rook rifles and 10 bores.
A Degree in Industrial Design feeds into & compliments his knowledge and interest in the designs, mechanisms and workmanship of modern, older and collectable arms.